@2013 6Harmonics Inc. All Right Reserved
GWS Cmd >
The choices are:
0 is fixed mode,
1 is maximum attack mode,
2 is minimum attack mode.
The standard deployment and default configuration is to use AGC mode 2.
For deployments where the node is subjected to very harsh interference, the user
can use the “setagc” command to try to improve the throughput on the link. In
general, AGCmode2 will provide the best protection from IM3 products which fall in
channel. As such, if there are two or more interfering carriers which result in an
Intermodulation Product falling in channel, AGC mode 2 will give the best
If however the interference comes primarily from a single carrier which results
in Gain Drop and hence a loss of RX sensitivity, the user might get slightly better
performance by increasing the attack point of the AGC by using the “setagcmode 1”
command, or even turning off the AGC completely using the “setagcmode 0”
The receiver of the GWS-3000 has been designed to sustain fairly high levels
of interference and for the vast majority of deployments leaving the radio in
“agcmode 2” (the default configuration) will provide good results. This information
is purely to give our customers some insight and help them optimize network
performance in the even that a node is subjected to very strong interference.
Another approach to reduce severe interference is to decrease the front end RX
attenuator by using the “setrxatten” command. Please see Section 7.26 for more
7.25 getagcmode command
The “getagcmode” command will return the current agc mode setting:
GWS Cmd >getagcmode
AGC Mode : 2
GWS Cmd >
7.26 setrxatten command
The “setrxatten” command is to set the attenuation values for two of the RX
attenuators, the syntax is: setrxatten x n; here x means attenuator (0 means
front attenuator, 1 means rear attenuator).
To set front attenuator:
GWS Cmd >setrxatten 0 10
GWS Cmd >
To set rear attenuator: