Error and Notification Messages
(clean shutdown). If the system loses power or is reset without going through
the normal shutdown procedure, it is possible that the data on a redundant unit
may be out of synchronization. The unclean shutdown detection will detect
this case and force the unit to enter the verify state.
For more information on the verify state, see “About Verification” on
page 151
To prevent unclean shutdowns, always go through the normal shutdown
procedure. It is also recommended to use an uninterruptible power supply
(UPS) to prevent unclean shutdowns due to sudden power loss.
0009 Drive timeout detected
The 3ware RAID controller has a sophisticated recovery mechanism to handle
various types of failures of a disk drive. One such possible failure of a disk
drive is a failure of a command that is pending from the 3ware RAID
controller to complete within a reasonable amount of time. If the 3ware RAID
controller detects this condition, it notifies you, prior to entering the recovery
phase, by displaying this message.
Possible causes of drive timeouts (also known as APORT time-outs) include a
bad or intermittent disk drive, power cable or interface cable.
For links to drive manufacturer diagnostic utilities and troubleshooting
advice, see
000A Drive error detected
As part of the recovery mechanism of the 3ware RAID controller, various
drive failures can be detected and, if possible, corrected. One such drive
failure is when the drive indicates back to the 3ware RAID controller that it
was unable to complete a command. If the drive returns an error to the 3ware
RAID controller, you are notified by this message.
For links to drive manufacturer diagnostic utilities and troubleshooting
advice, see
000B Rebuild started
The 3ware RAID controller notifies you whenever it starts a rebuild. The
rebuild start may have been initiated by you (by selecting the Rebuild button
in the 3DM Maintenance page), may be auto-initiated by a hot spare failover,
or may be started after drive removal or insertion (due to the Auto Rebuild
policy). In any of these cases, you are notified of the event by this message.
For information on scheduling rebuilds, see “Scheduling Background Tasks”
on page 161. For general information on rebuilds, see “Rebuilding Units” on
page 155. For information about how background tasks are prioritized, see
“Background Task Prioritization” on page 161.