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Tips For Your First Flight
Launching with Takeoff Dolly:
The X-100 Infinity Wing can also be launched from a takeoff dolly. Users who fly off
of a paved runway or tightly mown grass have had success with this option:
1. First, set the Infinity Wing on the dolly with the leading edge of the front wing
touching the vertical tabs located on the front of the dolly’s wing saddle.
2. Do a test run at low throttle to ensure your dolly is tracking straight. If it is
not tracking straight you are likely taking off in a slight cross wind or one of your
dolly’s wheels is tighter than the others.
3. Now that you are ready for takeoff, advance the throttle slowly until you reach
full throttle and apply slight up elevator until the aircraft lifts off of the dolly.
4. It’s helpful to have another person assist you to clear the dolly from the runway
affter takeoff.