75-D059 REV_A
Downward facing corners lose definition and become
rounded .
Theory of Cause:
As a melted part cools, heat is transferred to
the surrounding material, causing the material to bond to the part
surfaces (growth) . Part corner regions cool faster than flat regions,
so corners exhibit less growth than surfaces, which causes the
appearance of rounded corners .
Visual Signs:
You can observe wash out when small slots fill in with
melted material .
Otherwise, wash out is observed on parts after breakout .
The part features become rounded, mostly on the
downward-facing surfaces . Wash out may be followed by growth . If
you correct part wash out early enough, you can continue the print
with little observable growth; however, you can still observe wash
out in the finished part.
Corrective Action:
Reduce the Fill Laser Power parameter .
Periodically, you may want to run a set of parts with fine features at
different laser powers to optimize the Fill Laser Power parameter .
Related Problems: