2N Access Unit Configuration Manual
5.3.1 Switches
Switches provide a very flexible and efficient control of such peripherals connected to the
Access Unit as electric door locks, lighting, additional ringing signalling, and so
2N Access
you to configure to 2 independent all-purpose switches.
A switch can be activated by:
entering a valid code via the
Access Unit
numeric keypad,
tapping a valid RFID card on the reader,
a predefined delay after another switch activation,
by a time profile *),
receiving an HTTP command from another LAN device *),
the Action.ActivateSwitch action via Automation *).
Switch activation can be blocked by an appropriately selected time profile if necessary.
Switch locking and hold
The switch activation conditions are modified using two functions: switch locking and switch
hold. If a switch is locked, it is permanently deactivated and cannot be operated until unlocked
(locked has a higher priority than held – in case the switch is locked and held simultaneously,
locking is applied). If held, the switch is in the activated state and cannot be operated until
The options marked with *) require their respective active licences.