Chapter 7 Service Configuration
1. The following example describes how to set port mirroring on
ingress direction.
zte(cfg)#set mirror add source-port 1 ingress
zte(cfg)#set mirror add dest-port 2 ingress
zte(cfg)#set mirror statistic ingress sample-interval 100
/*set the port sample-interval of mirror statistic */
2. The following example describes how to set port mirroring on
egress direction.
zte(cfg)#set mirror add source-port 1 egress
zte(cfg)#set mirror add dest-port 2 egress
zte(cfg)#set mirror statistic egress sample-interval 100
For the port mirroring on egress direction, the mirroring des-
tination port has to be a gigabit port or be a subcard port.
Otherwise, the normal port mirroring will be implemented.
3. The following example describes how to view port mirroring.
zte(cfg)#show mirror
Ingress mirror information:
Ingress statistical mirror :
sample-interval 100
/*if sample interval is 1, then it is normal port mirroring. */
Source port: 1
Destination port: 2
Egress mirror information:
Geport(sub card) egress statistical mirror :
sample-interval 100
/*If sample interval=1 or mirroring destination port is not gigabit
port or daughter card port, then normal port mirroring is done.*/
Source port: 1
Destination port: 2
Single Port Loop Detection
Loop Detection Overview
Single port loop detection is to check whether a loop exists in the
ports of the switch. If such a loop exists, it may result in errors in
learning MAC addresses and may easily cause a broadcast storm.
In severe case, switch and network may be down. Starting the
single port loop detection and disabling the port with loop can ef-
ficiently avoid the influence caused by port loop.
The switch sends a test packet through a port. If this test packet
is received through the port without any change (or only a tag is
attached), it indicates that a loop exists in this port.
The test packet sent by the switch includes the following three
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