C h a p t e r
Structure and Principle
Table of Contents
Working Principle...............................................................11
Hardware Structure ...........................................................12
Power Supply Module .........................................................21
Working Principle
ZXR10 2920/2928/2952/2936-FI series products have powerful
functions and sound performance. According to system functions,
the product contains the following modules:
control module,
switching module, interface module and power module. System
principle figure is shown as
Figure 1
1. Control Module: Control module consists of main processor
and external functional chips to implement applications such
as switching module control and manage for the system. It
provides serial ports for data operation and maintenance.
2. Switch Module: The main part of switch module is dedicated
Ethernet switch chip, which is used to process and switch pack-
ets sent from ports.
3. Interface Module: The main part of interface module is physical
layer chip, mainly used for connection to external users and
packet forwarding.
4. Power Module: Power module adopts the 220 V AC or -48 V
DC to offer the required power supply for other parts of the
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