C h a p t e r
Network Management
Table of Contents
Remote-Access ............................................................... 193
SSH............................................................................... 195
SNMP............................................................................. 198
RMON ............................................................................ 202
Cluster Management ........................................................ 205
SFLOW........................................................................... 213
WEB .............................................................................. 214
Remote-Access Overview
Remote-Access is a restrictive mechanism used for network man-
agement users to log in through TelnetSSHSNMPWeb, that is, it is
used to restrict the access. This function is to enhance the security
of the network management system.
After this function is enabled, specify a network management user
to access the switch only from a specified IP address , the user can-
not access the switch from other IP addresses. When this function
is disabled, the network management user can access the switch
through TelnetSSHSNMPWeb from any IP address.
Basic Configuration of
The Remote-Access configuration on the switch includes the fol-
lowing contents:
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