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Questions &
Q1: Why do the height and shape of my bread loaves differ from time to time?
A1: The height and shape of the bread is affected by room temperature, weather, humidity, altitude, use
of the timer, and fluctuations in household current. The outcome of your bread may be affected if fresh
ingredients are not used or if the ingredients were not measured correctly.
Q2: Why does the bread rise excessively even if the ingredients are correctly measured?
A2: Over-rising is caused by high temperature, high humidity, or strong yeast. Reduce the amount of
yeast, water, or sugar. (Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide.)
Q3: Why does the bread have an unusual odor?
A3: Stale ingredients or too much yeast may have been used. Be sure to use fresh ingredients and
measure accurately.
Q4: What should I do if the kneading blade is stuck to the bottom of my loaf?
A4: The kneading blade is detachable and therefore may come off with the bread. Before slicing the loaf,
remove the kneading blade with a fork or with tongs, be careful since it may be hot.
Q5: Why is the TIMER limited to 13 hours?
A5: Any setting beyond 13 hours may affect the quality of the dough resulting in a poor outcome in the
finished bread.
Q6: Why does the machine produce noises at midnight when the TIMER has been set?
A6: When the TIMER has been set for baking bread in the morning, the machine starts operating at
midnight. The sound heard is the motor during the kneading process.
Q7: What will happen if the power is interrupted or the machine is unplugged accidentally?
A7: The machine will resume operation if the power is restored within 20 seconds. If the power is
interrupted for an extended length of time, the machine will stop in that stage and 3:50 will blink after
resetting, but no bread will be baked. Remove the dough and begin again with new ingredients
when the power returns.
Q8: What will happen if the bread is not removed from the baking pan and allowed to cool?
A8: The bread will become too soft absorbing condensation, and collapse because the steam in the bread
cannot escape. Remove the bread from the baking pan immediately after it has baked.
Q9: Is it possible to bake bread with the ingredient amounts found in general recipes or
A9: The accompanying recipes were specifically created for this machine, results may vary when using
any other recipes.
Q10: Why does my bread sometimes have unmixed flour on the side crust?
A10: Sometimes the flour may remain on the sides of the baking pan and will bake onto the sides of the
loaf. If this happens, trim off that portion of the outer crust with a sharp knife.