This appendix describes the electrical, environmental, and mechanical specifications of
the ZT 8904. It also includes illustrations of the board dimensions, the P/E connector
pinouts, and cables commonly used with the ZT 8904, as well as tables showing the pin
assignments for the ZT 8904's 10 connectors.
The following topics list electrical and environmental specifications, including absolute
maximum ratings, DC operating characteristics, battery backup characteristics, and
STD bus loading characteristics.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Supply Voltage, Vcc:
0 to 7 V
Supply Voltage, AUX +V:
Not used
Supply Voltage, AUX -V:
Not used
Storage Temperature:
-40° to +85° Celsius
Operating Temperature:
ZT 8903:
0° to +65° Celsius
ZT 8904:
0° to +65° Celsius
ZT 89CT04:
-40° to +85° Celsius
Non-Condensing Relative Humidity:
<95% at 40° Celsius
DC Operating Characteristics
DC operating characteristics are specified for boards loaded with 5 Mbytes of RAM and
a Math Coprocessor.
Supply Voltage, Vcc:
4.75 to 5.25 V
Supply Voltage, AUX +V: Not used
Supply Voltage, AUX -V:
Not used
Supply Current, Icc:
0.8A typ, 1.2A max
Supply Current, AUX +V: Not used