Technical Support:
From this parameter window it is possible to enable the sending of messages to the
KNX bus to report the occurrence of errors, including both internal errors regarding the
communication between KLIC-DI and the A/C unit, and external errors affecting the
A/C unit itself.
Figure 11.
Configuring the error handling.
It is possible to select whether to report none, internal, external or both types of error:
Internal errors
: when enabled, a new communication object shows up,
Internal Error: Communication
" (1-Bit), which indicates if there is a
problem in the communication between the KLIC-DI and the A/C unit or there
that there is no unit connected. Thus, if its value is "1", there is an error; and if
it is "0", there is no error.
Note: If an internal error communication is active, the next actions are
1. If there is a remote wired control in the installation, check whether it
reports any error.
2. Verify that KLIC-DI is properly connected to the A/C unit.
3. Verify that control configuration is correct. Check that the device and
the remote wired control are not both configured as slaves.
If internal error is still active, please, contact with Zennio support.
External errors
: when enabled, two new communication objects show up:
External Error
" (1-Bit) and "
Type of external error
" (1-Byte). The first one
indicates if an external error is active (value "1") or not (value "0"). The
second object indicates the specific code that identifies the error (please refer