DALIBOX Broadcast 6CH/4CH
Soporte técnico:
Figure 5.
Channel X. Limits
Luminosity Limits
Ballast Physical Minimum
: enables or disables the physical minimum of
the channel.
Minimum Luminosity Level
: the available range is 1 to 100 tenths
(0.1% to 10%).
Economic Mode
: enables or disables the economic mode.
Maximum Luminosity Level
: the available range is 100 to 1000 tenths
(10% to 100%).
Dimming Limits
Minimum Dimming Value
: the available range is 0% to 100%.
Maximum Dimming Value
: the available range is 0% to 100%.
DALIBOX Broadcast 6CH / 4CH lets configuring the general On/Off switch control so
that these actions are performed
or through a
smooth regulation
(according to one of the three configurable dimming times; see section 2.2.1).
Furthermore, it is possible to specify the luminosity level that the channel will adopt
when a general switch-on order is executed: either a
fixed value
(configurable in
parameters) or the
last value
prior to the switch-off (i.e., a memory switch-on). In