background image



Maintenance and operation


 Mount the mixing cup on the base for accessories, so that 

the jug handle is placed on the right side of the appliance. 


 Lock  the  jug  by  turning  it  clockwise  until  it  locks  (the 

characteristic “click” indicates that the jug is correctly installed).


  The jug handle should be placed on the right 

side of the appliance.


 Put the ingredients into the jug. Do not fill beyond the 

‘900 ml’ mark you may see on the jug.


  You  can  load  the  ingredients  into  the  jug  of 

blender in any way, but you have to know that 

better results are obtained by adding the hard 

components at first.


 Put  the  cover  on  the  jug  so  that  the  side  of  cover  on 

which the strainers of the cover are not placed, is located at 

the spout of the jug. The cover installed in this way prevents 

splashing of the components during the mixing process.


  The  cover  of  jug  can  be  installed  in  three 

positions, but only one position of the cover is 

used in the process of mixing. The remaining 

two  positions  are  used  when  transferring  the 

mixed contents of the jug into the utensils.


 Insert the cover’s cap into the hole in the cover so that 

the noses on the overlay are placed in the notches of the 

cover. Lock the cap by turning it clockwise to clockwise until 

it locks.


  Do not operate the appliance with installed mixing 

cup  (liquidizer)  without  overlay  of  the  cover, 

especially if you mix the solid components. They 

can be thrown through the hole.


 Turn  on  the  mixing  by  turning  the  control  knob  to  the 

desired position.


  If you mix at speed #2, you may achieve better 



  Do not use the appliance with installed mixing 

cup  (liquidizer)  in  continuous  operation  for 

more  than  30  seconds.  After  this  time,  turn 

it  off  and  wait  5  minutes  before  restarting, 

allowing the engine to cool down.


 During  mixing,  you  can  add  products  (spices  or 

ingredients) through the hole after removing the cover plate.


 To stop the appliance, turn the speed control knob to 




  If the consistency of mixed products does not 

meet your expectations, turn the control knob 

to  “PULSE”  and  hold  it  in  this  position  for 

several  seconds;  the  appliance  will  start  its 

operation at maximum speed. When the knob 

is released, the appliance stops.



Device with installed mixing cup (liquidizer) can also be used 

to  crush  ice  cubes,  you  get  small  pieces  of  ice  about  the 

same size.


  Before  using  the  mixing  cup  to  crush  ice 

cubes, make sure it is clean. Otherwise, wash 

it  thoroughly  with  clean  water. Any  detergent 

residue can affect the taste of crushed ice and 

cause loss of taste of the drink, to which it will 

be added.

Put  into  a  jug  no  more  than  15  ice  cubes  (about  the  size 

of  not  more  than  2  cm).In  addition  to  ice  cubes  pour 

approximately 15 ml (1 tsp) fresh cold water more. Put the 

jug cover along with the overlay, then turn the control knob 

to position 


. The appliance starts its operation, and you 

have to crush ice every 3 seconds, repeat it the action until 

the ice is completely crushed. If the consistency of ice does 

not  correspond  to  your  expectations  (i.e.  you  want  to  get 

the consistency of snow), turn the control knob to 



and hold it in this position for several seconds, the appliance 

will  start  operation  at  maximum  speed.  When  the  knob  is 

released, the appliance stops.


  Do not crush ice cubes without adding water to 

the jug.

After working with the mixing cup (liquidizer) 


Turn the appliance off and remove the connection plug 

from the wall outlet.


Remove  the  mixing  cup,  to  do  this  hold  the  base  for 

accessories with one hand, and using other hand grab 

the jug handle.


Turn  the  jug  in  a  counter-clockwise  direction  until  it 

reaches the end stop and remove the jug from the base 

for accessories.


Pour the cocktail you made into dishes.


  The  jug  cover  can  be  installed  in  three 

positions, but only one position of the cover is 

used in the process of mixing. The other two 

positions  (wide  strainer,  narrow  strainer)  are 

used when transferring the mixed contents of 

the jug into the dishes.


Wash  your  mixing  cup  (see  section 

“Cleaning  and 

maintenance of appliance with installed mixing cup 

(liquidizer) / grinder”




Disconnect the plug from the wall outlet.


Turn the cover counter-clockwise until it reaches the end 

stop and remove the cover from the jug.


 Empty the jug.


 Clean the jug (see section 

“Cleaning and maintenance 

of  appliance  with  installed  mixing  cup  (liquidizer)  / 


). Turn the jug upside down and place it on a flat 

and stable surface.


Содержание ZJE1205W


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Страница 53: pruden i atunci c nd manipula i t i urile ascu ite c nd goli i vasul i atunci c nd cur a i Nu sp la i cu itele malaxorului i dis curile cu dou fe e direct cu m na pentru a le sp la folosi i peria...

Страница 54: ...lingur Nu opri i aparatul prin deschiderea capacului malaxo rului sau rotirea vasului fr nare de avarie Acest lucru duce la uzarea mai rapid a transmisiei i de aceea trebuie evitat Nu sp la i piesele...

Страница 55: ...r n con tact direct cu produsul 1 Trage i clemele de prindere n jos astfel nc t acestea s ias din l ca urile de pe capac 2 Scoate i accesoriul de mpingere i da i la o parte capa cul 3 Scoate i recipie...

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Страница 82: ...82 JE1200 002_v05 6 2 4 1 1 1 2 4 2 1 6 2 6 3 1 1 2...

Страница 83: ...83 JE1200 002_v05 30 3 4 0 1 2 D...

Страница 84: ...84 JE1200 002_v05 1 2 3 900 4 5 E 6 2 30 5 7 8 0 PULSE 15 2 15 1 1 3 PULSE...

Страница 85: ...85 JE1200 002_v05 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 F G 2 2 1 2 3 PULSE 30 30 5 4 0 H...

Страница 86: ...86 JE1200 002_v05 450 10 PULSE 1 2 I...

Страница 87: ...87 JE1200 002_v05 3 4 5 30 10 6 0 3 2 3 PULSE 1 2 3 30 10 4 0 3 2 1 2 K J...

Страница 88: ...88 JE1200 002_v05 2012 19 E waste electrical and electronic equipment WEEE...

Страница 89: ...89 JE1200 002_v05 Zelmer Zelmer 2000 UA...

Страница 90: ...90 JE1200 002_v05 0 60 C...

Страница 91: ...91 JE1200 002_v05 900 300 30 5 30 60 C 2 30 30 30 30 5 10 LWA 77 A 83 A 82 A 86 A 1 PULSE 0 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 A...

Страница 92: ...92 JE1200 002_v05 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 50 60 1 2 3 4 B 60 C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 C...

Страница 93: ...93 JE1200 002_v05 PULSE PULSE PULSE PULSE 0 60 C 5...

Страница 94: ...94 JE1200 002_v05 A...

Страница 95: ...95 JE1200 002_v05 30 6 2 4 1 1 1 2 4 2 1 6 2 6 3 1 1 2...

Страница 96: ...96 JE1200 002_v05 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 D E 3 900 4 5 6 2 30 5 7 8 0 PULSE...

Страница 97: ...97 JE1200 002_v05 15 2 15 1 1 3 PULSE 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 2x2 F G H...

Страница 98: ...98 JE1200 002_v05 1 2 3 PULSE 30 30 i 5 4 0 450 10 i PULSE i i...

Страница 99: ...99 JE1200 002_v05 i 1 2 1 2 3 I K 30 10 4 0 3 i 2 1 2 3 4 5 30 10 6 0 3 i 2 J...

Страница 100: ...100 JE1200 002_v05 3 PULSE 2012 19 EU waste electrical and electronic equipment WEEE 26663 19848 5 40 1 15150...

Страница 101: ...he appliance in a safe way and if they understand the hazards involved Children shall not play with the appliance Never put the appliance on any wet surfaces Keep the appliance and the power cord away...

Страница 102: ...appliance to temperatures exceeding 60 C Do not leave unattended the apliance connected to the power supply Do not immerse the motor unit in water or rinse it under running water For cleaning the case...

Страница 103: cup blades 22 The gasket 23 The jug with level indicator 24 The cover of the jug 25 The overlay of the cover BLENDER ELEMENTS 26 The gear transmission 27 The food processor container 28 The double...

Страница 104: ...e strainer The strainer may be mounted in one position only 4 Slide the pulp container under the lid as follows lean the pulp container and place it under the insert of the bowl so that the protrusion...

Страница 105: ...ft fruit may be problematic as the flesh of these fruit turns into a spongy pulp blocking the strainer mesh To process this type of fruit successfully it is best to add them in small quantities to oth...

Страница 106: ...e juice has been shown to improve digestion owing to the high content of pectin Fresh apple juice is also recommended for people with gout and rheumatism In general apple juice provides great overall...

Страница 107: ...strainer The appliance vibrates The strainer is not fitted correctly Switch off and unplug the appliance Check if the strainer sits correctly on the skimmer Check if the strainer is not damaged If th...

Страница 108: ...its operation at maximum speed When the knob is released the appliance stops E ICE CRUSHING Device with installed mixing cup liquidizer can also be used to crush ice cubes you get small pieces of ice...

Страница 109: ...seconds If within 30 seconds failed to complete the process of grinding turn off the appliance and wait 5 minutes before restarting 4 After the grinding set the control knob to 0 Always immediately af...

Страница 110: ...perly fitted The food processor container holder should be placed on the right side of the appliance I WORKING WITH THE BLENDER S BLADE 1 Insert the food processor blade into container Place the food...

Страница 111: ...k to the blade or to the inner walls of the container turn off the appliance remove the cover and grab the products from blade and container walls Double sided disc a side applicable to making slices...

Страница 112: ...presnos mletia 4 Mo nos vytla i avu z cel ch plodov a zeleniny HU 1 Kever b gre nom kokt lok minden napra 2 K ses darabol k toldal koronggal darabol shoz s v g shoz apr t shoz 3 Dar l prec z dar l s 4...
