We strongly recommend that all users save the data they create, such as
images, measurement data, archives, reports, forms and documents, at
regular intervals on an external medium. Otherwise it cannot be excluded that
access to this data may be lost as a result of operational errors or hardware
defects. Carl Zeiss accepts no liability for consequential damage resulting from
insufficient data protection.
The appropriate system requirements relating to hard- and software
equipment can be found in the file "Installation Manual.PDF" on the actual
product DVD.
AxioCam MR camera head
FireWire data cable (6-pin to 6-pin) for power supply to the AxioCam MR
and for data transmission between camera and computer
DVD-ROM with device driver for AxioVision as well as this
InstaReference Guide as a PDF file.
Camera, data cable
M 60-3-0014 e / printed 12.2008