FORM 150.52-NM2 (1001)
To add oil to a circuit, connect a YORK hand oil pump
(Part No. 470-10654-000) to the 1/4" oil priming valve
on the oil separator piping with a length of clean hose
or copper line, but do not tighten the flare nut. Using
clean oil of the correct type (“C” oil, or “E” oil for high
ambient applications), pump oil until all air has been
purged from the hose, then tighten the nut. Stroke the
oil pump ten times (delivering approximately 0.4 gal-
lons) to prime the oil system. The oil level should be
between the middle of the lower and middle of the up-
per sightglasses of the oil separator. Approximately five
gallons is present in the oil chiller system, with 1 - 2
gallons in the oil separator. If it is necessary to add oil,
continue to stroke the pump until the correct level is
Check that all fans are free to rotate and are not dam-
aged. Ensure blades are at the same height when ro-
tated. Ensure fan guard is securely fixed.
Verify that all sources of electrical supply to the unit are
taken from a signle-point of isolation. Check that the
maximum recommended fuse sizes given in the Techni-
cal Data Section have not been exceeded.
Control Panel
Check the panel to see that it is free of foreign materi-
als (wire, metal chips, etc.) and clean out if required.
Power Connections
Verify that the customer power cables are connected
correctly. Ensure that connections of power cables
within the panels to the circuit breakers, terminal blocks
or switch disconnectors are tight.
Verify that the unit’s protective terminal(s) are properly
connected to a suitable grounding point. Ensure that all
unit internal ground connections are tight.
Ensure that the fan overloads settings are correct for
the type of fan fitted.
Commissioning of this unit should
only be carried out by YORK Autho-
rized personnel.
The Millennium Microcomputer Control System
Operating Instructions must be read in conjunction
with this section.
The following checks should be made with the cus-
tomer supply/supplies to the unit switched OFF.
Inspect unit for installation damage. If found, take ac-
tion and/or repair as appropriate.
Refrigerant Charge
Units are normally shipped as standard with a full re-
frigerant operating charge. Check that refrigerant pres-
sure is present in both systems and that no leaks are ap-
parent. If no pressure is present, a leak test must be un-
dertaken and the leak(s) located and repaired. Repaired
systems and units supplied with a nitrogen holding charge
must be evacuated with a suitable vacuum pump/recov-
ery unit as appropriate to below 100 microns.
Do not liquid charge with static water in the cooler. Care
must be taken to liquid charge slowly to avoid excessive
thermal stress at the charging point. Once the vacuum is
broken, charge into the condenser coils with the full op-
erating charge as given in the Technical Data Section.
Open each compressor suction, economizer, and dis-
charge valves fully (counter-clockwise), then close one
turn of the stem to ensure operating pressure is fed to
the pressure transducers. Open the liquid line service
valve fully and ensure the oil return line ball valve is
open in each system.
Compressor Oil
Compressor lubrication systems must be primed before
first-time startup. Only the correct type of oil must be used.