FORM 150.52-NM2 (1001)
14 of N.E.C., to isolate unit power supply for ser-
vice). Factory wiring is provided from the Termi-
nal Block or Disconnect Switch to factory supplied
internal branch Circuit Breakers with external, lock-
able handles in each of the two compressor motor
control centers.
Signle-point Supply with Field Provided Circuit
Protection – These Optional configurations include
enclosure and field connection to either a single
unit mounted Terminal Block, or Non-Fused Dis-
connect Switch with external, lockable handle (in
compliance with Article 440-14 of N.E.C., to iso-
late unit power supply for service). Factory wiring
is provided from the single Terminal Block or Dis-
connect Switch to each of the two compressor mo-
tor control centers.
Signle-point Circuit Breaker Supply – This Op-
tion includes enclosure and field connection to a
single unit mounted Circuit Breaker with external,
lockable handle. Factory wiring provided from the
Breaker to each of the two compressor motor con-
trol centers.
Provides reduced inrush current during compressor motor
start compared to Across-the-Line start. Two-compres-
sor units equipped with Single-Point Power Supply and
Part-Wind start must also be equipped with factory-pro-
vided circuit breakers in each motor control center.
Provides power input terminals for field provided power
input in lieu of factory mounted control circuit trans-
former. A 120V, 20A Control Circuit Power Terminal
Strip is located in the Microprocessor Panel to accept a
field provided control power circuit with appropriate
branch circuit protection in accordance with applicable
Local and National codes. Provides unit control circuit
power including supply to the 24V, fused Microproces-
sor panel transformer via the panel mounted Stop Switch.
Provides means to reset the leaving chilled liquid tem-
perature or percent full load amps (current limiting) from
the BAS (Factory-mounted):
• Printed circuit board to accept 4-20 mA, 0-10VDC,
or dry contact closure input from the BAS.
• A YORK ISN Building Automation System can
provide a Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) signal
direct to the standard control panel via the stan-
dard on-board RS485 port.
Standard condenser coil includes aluminum fins, cop-
per tubes, and galvanized steel supports for generally
good corrosion resistance. However, these materials
are not adequate for all environments. The system de-
signer can take steps to inhibit coil corrosion in harsh
applications and enhance equipment life by choosing
from these options based on project design parameters
and related environmental factors. For additional ap-
plication recommendations refer to Form 150.12-ES1.
• Black Fin Condenser Coils – Condenser coils
constructed using black epoxy coated aluminum
fin stock for corrosion resistance comparable to
copper fin coils in typical seashore locations. Ei-
ther this or phenolic (below) recommended for
units installed in coastal environments. (Black fin
should not be used where direct exposure to salt
spray is expected, such as within one mile of
salt water.)
• Phenolic Coated Condenser Coils – Completed
condenser coil assemblies are covered with a cured
phenolic coating. Probably the best choice for sea-
shore or where salt spray may hit the fins, and other
corrosive applications except: strong alkalies, oxi-
dizers, and wet bromine, chlorine, and fluorine in
concentrations greater than 100 ppm.
• Copper Fin Condenser Coils – Coils constructed
with corrosion resistant copper fins. Not recom-
mended in areas where units may be exposed to
acid rain.
• 21 bar (300 PSIG) Waterside Design Working
Pressure – The DX Cooler Waterside is designed
and constructed for 300 PSIG (21 bar) working pres-
sure. (Factory-mounted)
• 1½" Insulation – Double thickness insulation pro-
vided for enhanced efficiency.
• Flange Accessory – Consists of raised face flanges
to convert grooved water nozzles to flanged cooler
connections. (Field-mounted)