IM WT1801-01EN
System Configuration (System Config)
You can specify the following settings.
• WT1800 date and time
• Language
• LCD adjustment
• USB keyboard language
• Environment settings (Preference)
• Crest factor
Date and Time Settings (Date/Time)
The WT1800 date and time.
Turning the Display On and Off (Display)
Set whether to show the date and time on the WT1800.
Method for Setting the Date and Time (Type)
You can set the method for setting the date and time to one of the following options.
• Manual: Set the date or time manually.
• SNTP: Use an SNTP server to set the time (valid when Ethernet communication is being used).
Date and Time (Date/Time)
This setting is valid when the method for setting the date and time is set to Manual.
Set the date and time.
• Setting the date
The format for setting the date is YYYY/MM/DD (year/month/day). Set the year using the last two digits of the
year according to the Gregorian calendar.
• Setting the time
The format for setting the time is HH:MM:SS (hour:minute:second). The hour can be set to a value from 0 to
Setting the Time Difference from Greenwich Mean Time (Time Difference From GMT)
This setting appears when the method for setting the date and time is set to SNTP.
Set the time difference between the region where you are using the WT1800 and Greenwich Mean Time to a
value within the following range.
-12 hours 00 minutes to 13 hours 00 minutes
For example, Japan standard time is ahead of GMT by 9 hours. In this case, set Hour to 9 and Minute to 00.
Checking the Standard Time
Using one of the methods below, check the standard time of the region where you are using the instrument.
• Check the Date, Time, Language, Regional Options on your PC.
• Check the standard time at the URL on the right.http://www.worldtimeserver.com/
• The WT1800 does not support Daylight Savings Time. To set the Daylight Savings Time, reset the time
difference from Greenwich Mean Time.
• Date and time settings are backed up using the internal lithium battery. They are retained even if the power
is turned off.
• The WT1800 has leap-year information.
• The Time Difference From GMT setting is shared with the same setting found in the SNTP settings in the
Ethernet communication (Network) settings. If you change this setting in the date and time settings, the
Time Difference From GMT in the Ethernet communication (Network) settings also changes.
22 Utility