IM WT1801-01EN
Remote Control (Remote Control)
Communication interface for controlling the WT1800 from a PC. GP-IB, USB, and Network are the available
communication interfaces.
For details, see the communication interface user’s manual, IM WT1801-17EN.
• Only use one communication interface: GP-IB, USB, or Network. If you send commands simultaneously
from more than one communication interface, the WT1800 will not execute the commands properly.
• When the WT1800 is in remote mode and is communicating with a PC, “REMOTE” appears in the center
of the WT1800 screen. All keys except LOCAL are disabled in Remote mode.
Connects the WT1800 to a PC using GP-IB.
Address (Address)
• You can select a value between 0 and 30.
• Each device that is connected by GP-IB has its own unique address in the GP-IB system. This address
is used to distinguish one device from other devices. Therefore, you must assign a unique address to the
WT1800 when connecting it to a PC or other device.
When the controller is communicating with the WT1800 or with other devices through GP-IB, do not change
the address.
Notes about Connections
• Several cables can be used to connect multiple devices. However, no more than 15 devices, including the
controller, can be connected on a single bus.
• When connecting multiple devices, you must assign a unique address to each device.
• Use cables that are 2 m or shorter in length to connect devices.
• Keep the total length of the cables under 20 m.
• When devices are communicating, have at least two-thirds of the devices on the bus turned on.
• To connect multiple devices, use a star or daisy-chain configuration. Loop and parallel configurations are
not allowed.
Connects the WT1800 to a PC using USB.
To remotely control the WT1800 using communication commands through the USB port, select USBTMC, and
then carry out the following procedure.
• Install the YOKOGAWA USB TMC (Test and Measurement Class) driver on your PC. For information about
how to obtain the YOKOGAWA USB TMC driver, contact your nearest YOKOGAWA dealer. You can also
access the YOKOGAWA USB driver download webpage and download the driver (http://tmi.yokogawa.com/
• Do not use USB TMC drivers (or software) supplied by other companies.
22 Utility