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IM 11G02M01-01E
(2) Standard functions
Output signal holding:
Output signals are held during manual and
auto calibrations by activation of holding
(turning on its setting).
The values to be held are the ones just
before start calibration mode.
Indication values will not be held.
Remote output holding:
Output signal is held at the latest value
by short-circuiting the remote output hold-
ing input terminals.
Holding is maintained while the terminals
are short-circuited. Indication values will
not be held.
Remote range changeover:
Measuring range can be changed accord-
ing to an external signal when remote
range changeover input is received.
Changeover is effective only when remote
range setting is turned on. In this case,
measuring range cannot be changed
When the contact input terminals for each
component are short-circuited, the first
range is selected, and it is changed over
to the second range when the terminals
are open.
Range identification signal:
The present measuring range is identi-
fied by a contact signal.
The contact output terminals for each
component are short-circuited when the
first range is selected, and when the sec-
ond range is selected, the terminals are
Auto calibration:
Auto calibration is carried out periodically
at the preset cycle.
When a standard gas cylinder for calibra-
tion and a solenoid valve for opening/clos-
ing the gas flow line are prepared exter-
nally by the customer, calibration will be
carried out with the solenoid valve drive
contacts for zero calibration and each
span calibration turned on/off sequentially
at the set auto calibration timing.
Auto calibration cycle setting:
Auto calibration cycle is set.
Setting is variable within 1 to 99 hours
(in increments of 1 hour) or 1 to 40 days
(in increments of 1 day).
Gas flow time setting:
The time for flowing each calibration gas
in auto calibration is set.
Settable within 60 to 599 seconds (in in-
crements of 1 second)
Auto calibration remote start:
Auto calibration is carried out only once
according to an external input signal. Cali-
bration sequence is settable in the same
way as the cyclic auto calibration.
Calibration starts when a non-voltage
rectangular wave is applied to the auto
calibration remote start input terminals
(opened after short-circuiting for 1.5 sec-
onds or longer). Auto calibration is started
when the contacts open.
Auto zero calibration:
Auto zero calibration is carried out peri-
odically at the preset cycle.
This cycle is independent on “Auto cali-
bration” cycle.
When zero calibration gas and solenoid
valve for opening/closing the calibration
gas flow line are prepared externally by
the customer, zero calibration will be car-
ried out with the solenoid valve drive con-
tact for zero calibration turned on/off at
the set auto zero calibration timing.
Auto zero calibration cycle setting:
Auto zero calibration cycle is set.
Setting is variable within 1 to 99 hours
(in increments of 1 hour) or setting is vari-
able within 1 to 40 days (in increments of
1 day).
Gas flow time setting:
The timing for flowing zero gas in auto
zero calibration is set.
Settable 60 to 599 seconds (in increments
of 1 second)
Upper/lower limit alarm:
Alarm contact output turns on when the
preset upper or lower limit alarm value is
Contacts close when the instantaneous
value of each component becomes larger
than the upper alarm limit value or smaller
than the lower alarm limit value.
Instrument error contact output:
Contacts close at occurrence of analyzer
error No. 1, 3 or 10.
Calibration error contact output:
Contacts close at occurrence of manual
or auto calibration error (any of errors No.
4 to 9).
Auto calibration status contact outputs:
Contacts close during auto calibrationl.
Pump ON/OFF contact output:
During measurement, this contact close.
While calibration gas is flowing, this con-
tact open. This contact is connected in
power supply of pump, and stop the
sample gas while calibration gas flowing.