PM5D / PM5D-RH Quick Start Guide Part 3
This procedure can be done in a PC, without a console, well in advance of a show, and some practice in this technique is
recommended. After the procedure is well understood you are ready to use it in a multi-band or festival type situation to
drag scenes and libraries from a PC directly into a console.
The limitations are that Preferences and User Defi ned Keys cannot be merged using Studio Manager. Preferences are
stored in the SETUP library. This cannot be dragged across so the same preferences must be used in all scenes. Engi-
neers requiring different preferences can be accommodated by loading their own SETUP library from a PCMCIA card if
it has been previously saved from a console. (Remember to consider locking Wordclock against Parameter Recall in the
Security page when loading SETUP fi les or some audio silence may happen as the console re-clocks.)
Similarly User Defi ned Keys cannot be dragged from one session to another. However, User Defi ned Keys can also be
Advanced loaded from a PCMCIA card if they are fi rst saved in Advanced load mode. Change the bank letter when Ad-
vanced loading so that each engineer can have a page of User defi ned Keys each. Select each bank with a User Defi ned
Key or from the letter in the lower right corner of the screen.
PM5D/PM5D-RH Quick Start Guide in three parts.
Thank you very much for reading through these guides. We hope they help you get the best from the PM5D system.
The have become quite lengthy for something called a quick start guide, but PM5D is a very comprehensive digital
mixer. The offi cial manuals contain much more information and sections not mentioned in these guides. Subjects like the
use of User Defi ned Keys to generate GPI or MIDI commands to control playback devices, lighting or AV equipment.
Timecode and other triggers like MIDI can be used to recall scenes within the console or even operate faders and other
parameters too. There is information about the use of surround sound confi gurations, GPI controllers: input and output,
Timecode and Cascade connections to other mixers and much more to learn!
Wireless remote control of PM5D.
USB cable limitations mean remote control of PM5D by a PC is limited to a 5m connection. Some wireless USB
devices are available but these are generally not of a professional audio system build quality or capable of transmitting
over much distance. Instead we recommend to use a PC with a wireless access point connected to the console and
remote control this PC from another using a wireless VNC connection. Setup of this confi guration is beyond the scope
of this document, but it is increasingly popular. Good control can be achieved from a tablet PC and some users are even
experimenting with remote control from PDA or mobile phones.
Viewer PC
Server PC