PM5D / PM5D-RH Quick Start Guide Part 3
Example; load a stored user effect from one session to another.
In this example let’s imagine that “Guest”, the vocalist is joining “The Examples” on stage. “Guest” requires a special
delay effect patch to suit his voice. The special effect parameters are available in a different PM5D fi le. There are two
ways to transfer them;
1. Manually. Open Studio Manager and PM5DV2 Editor and look at the parameters in “Guests” show fi le. Then copy
them manually into the show fi le of “The Examples” and store them. This is acceptable if there is only one effect but if
Guest was going to sing several songs with different effects it could be tedious and error prone.
2. Use PM5DV2 Editor to drag them across.
Before Guest Delay FX can be transferred from one fi le
to another it must be stored to the effect library. Using
PM5DV2 Editor, open the scene with the effect, open the
Effect Editor Window and store the effect to the library.
(This might already be done by Guest’s engineer.)
Next, drag the stored effect from the right hand column
(INTERNAL DATA) and drop in the left hand column
(FILE) and confi rm. You cannot choose library positions
less than 056 as these are ROM for the Yamaha presets.
Save the new user library by clicking on SAVE above the
FILE column. This will save the library onto your compu-
ter as a .PM5 fi le. However it is important to understand
this is not a PM5D session fi le, just an effects library. For
this reason we suggest you give the library a name that
refl ects what its contents are, because it is easy to get it
mixed up with other .PM5 fi les if you don’t. In this case
we choose “GuestFX”.
If you put this fi le onto a PCMCIA card you can Advanced
Load it into a PM5D console, being sure to carefully limit
the range of library entries and target to an empty location.
But you can also do this without the console.
Close the “Guest” session and open “The Examples”.
Open the Effect Library window.
Next open the “GuestFX” library on the FILE side, by
using the Open button above the FILE column. (It could
still open from the saving).
Drag the stored “Guest Delay FX” from FILE to
INTERNAL data. Choose a location that is free
Library Window dragging.