PM1D System Software V1.6 Supplementary Manual
Selective Recall
In V1.6 you can restrict the parameters/channels that will be recalled when a specific scene is recalled, or con-
versely specify parameters/channels that will be excluded from the recall operation for a specific scene. (This
function is called “Selective Recall.”)
In previous versions, you could use a function called Recall Safe to select channels/parameters that would be
excluded from recall operations. These Recall Safe settings are global, and are common to all scenes. (Chan-
nels/parameters excluded from a recall operation do not change when any scene is recalled.) In contrast, the
Selective Recall function lets you store – for each scene – a combination of parameters/channels that will be
recalled, or conversely a combination of parameters/channels that will be excluded from the recall operation.
This lets you create partial scene images for store/recall, using them in a way similar to libraries.
So that you can universally enable/disable the Selective Recall function settings saved in each scene, a BYPASS
button has been added to the MEMORY screen SELECTIVE RECALL FUNCTION area.
V1.6 adds a SELECTIVE RECALL screen to the SCENE function, allowing you to make Selective Recall set-
Use the following two buttons to select how you want
to use the SELECTIVE RECALL screen.
If this button is on, you can use the buttons in the
screen to select the channels/parameters that will be
affected by a recall operation.
If this button is on, you can use the buttons in the
screen to select the channels/parameters that will be
excluded from a recall operation.