Chapter 4
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
Sets the object style. Select [Plain], [Raised], or [Sunken] from the list.
[Label Font] Button
Sets the font for the label. Clicking here displays the “Select Font” dialog box.
For information about the “Select Font” dialog box, see
[Label Color] Button
This sets the color of the label text. Clicking here displays the “Select Color” dialog box.
[Port Label Color] Button
Sets the color of the I/O port label. Click to display the Select Color dialog box.
[Back Color] Button
Sets the object color. Click to display the Select Color dialog box.
Launch Application
The radio buttons determines whether an application or file will be linked to an external device.
• [Application] Box
The linked application will be displayed. Click the [Browse] button to locate and select an
application. Specifies the path to an application to be launched when an External Device
object is double-clicked.
• [File] Box
The linked file will be displayed. Click the [Browse] button to locate and select a file. Specifies
the path to a file to be launched when an External Device object is double-clicked.
Specifies the number of ports displayed for an External Device object.
• [Left]
Sets the number of ports to be displayed on the left.
• [Right]
Sets the number of ports to be displayed to the right.
• [Edit Port Label] Button
Sets the label and type for each port. Click to display the [Edit Port Label] dialog.
[OK] Button
Accepts the changed settings and closes the dialog box.
[Cancel] Button
Closes the dialog box without changing the settings.
For information about the “Select Color” dialog box, see