A-band / B-band display area
A-band display modes
VFO mode
: Memory mode (“M” and channel number)
Home Channel
: Repeater minus (-) shift
: Repeater plus (+) shift
: Split operation
Specified Memory Channel
(Specify that only designated memory channels are scanned during memory scan-
Skip Memory Channel
(Permits designating undesired channels to be skipped during scanning.)
Priority Memory Channel
(The transceiver checks for signals on the frequency registered to the selected Priori-
ty Memory Channel, once every 5 seconds.)
ATT (attenuator) function
(When the desired signal is extremely strong, activate the attenuator to reduce the
incoming signal from the antenna.)
Bell function is activated.
TX/RX DG-ID is displayed
:TXxx (The transmit DG-ID number), RXxx (The receive DG-ID number)
Squelch type is displayed (For additional details, refer to the Advanced Manual.)
: Tone Encoder (tone frequency is displayed)
: Tone Squelch (tone frequency is displayed)
: DCS (Digital Code Squelch) (DCS code is displayed)
: Reverse Tone (tone frequency is displayed)
: Signal Squelch
: Pager (EPCS)
The following can be set when the squelch expansion (see page 73) is on.
: Send the DCS code only during transmission.
: Send the CTCSS tone signal during transmit, and wait for the DCS code in re-
ceive mode. (tone frequency is displayed)
: Send the DCS code during transmit, and wait for the CTCSS tone signal in re-
ceive mode. (tone frequency is displayed)