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6.5.3 E-Mail periodic sending
The Y-cam can be configured to send an E-mail at specific time intervals.
[E-Mail periodic sending]
Enable/Disable sending of e-mails at periodic intervals
[Interval Time]
Time interval between e-mails.
[e-Mail Server ID]
Select the e-mail server number from the list (set under STORAGE Menu)
[File attachment]
Select if you would like a snapshot of the camera view attached to the e-mail.
[Snapshot From]
Select the stream from which it should get the snapshot.
[Image file name
] A name for the Image.
[Suffix of file name]
Image file name suffix can be either date and time or a sequence number.
[Effective Period:]
Always trigger the alarm upon motion detection.
e-Mail periodic sending effective period according to schedule.