7. If a failure occurs during the load process, the server will abort the load process and send a small
dump file (approximately 60 bytes) to a server that is configured to accept a dump file. The dump file
can be analyzed by Xyplex to assist you in resolving the fault. Call Xyplex Customer Support. (In
the U.S., call 1-800-435-7997. For International calls, the number is 508-264-9903).
The MAXserver 1600 uses the same algorithm for the dump server as for selecting the load server.
Normally, messages similar to these appear:
Terminal Server, Type 74, Rev x.xx.x
Ethernet address 08-00-87-xx-xx-xx, port x
Requesting dump service
This type of message is displayed while the MAXserver 1600 waits for a response to its dump
request. If this message remains displayed for more than 30 seconds after you type several
<RETURN>s, the MAXserver 1600 is not configured on a dump server, or the MAXserver 1600
cannot communicate to a dump server. Refer to the Software Installation Guide for instructions on
specifying the proper dump configuration.
8. A message similar to the following one is displayed if the MAXserver 1600 received a dump offer
from a server.
Terminal Server, Type 74, Rev x.xx.x
Ethernet address 08-00-87-xx-xx-xx, port x
Evaluating dump service offers
If you typed a <CTRL><T> after a port speed had been selected, messages similar to these will
appear when the unit has stopped accepting dump service offers:
Received dump service offers
Host Address protocol merit filename
xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx 0809 9C000037
9. The MAXserver 1600 selects the dump server with the highest merit value. If two or more dump
servers have the same merit value, the MAXserver 1600 will select the first dump server listed.
Terminal Server, Type 74, Rev x.xx.x
Ethernet address 08-00-87-xx-xx-xx, port x
Maintenance dump over Link L1 to 08-00-2B-05-8B-78, message 0
Link L1 refers to the Ethernet transceiver cable or ThinWire network cable; that is, the server is
dumping via the LAN. If a failure occurs during the dump process, the MAXserver 1600 will abort the
dump and attempt to dump to the next dump server, until the dump server list is exhausted. After the
dump process completes, the MAXserver 1600 selects the load server with the next highest merit value
on the load offer list. If the load list is exhausted, the MAXserver 1600 will restart the loading process.