Network Configurations
Invalid multiport transceiver configurations include:
More than one multiport transceiver between the MAXserver1600/1608 and an Ethernet
backbone, as shown in Figure C-3.
More than two multiport transceivers cascaded together in a standalone network that has no
Ethernet backbone, as shown in Figure C-4.
Terminal Server
Multiport Transceiver
Multiport Transceiver
Ethernet Network
Figure C-3. Invalid Multiport Transceiver Configuration on an Ethernet Backbone
Terminal Server
Multiport Transceiver
Multiport Transceiver
Multiport Transceiver
Figure C-4. Invalid Multiport Transceiver Configuration on a Standalone Network
Configuration Rules -- Background Information
Multiport transceivers, such as the DEC DELNI and Cabletron MT-800, send a Signal Quality Error (SQE)
to all ports when a transmission from any port ends. If several multiport transceivers are cascaded together
to form a hierarchical network connection (a configuration not recommended by DEC), the MAXserver
1600/1608 might receive an SQE near the end of a packet. This causes the MAXserver to believe that an
error (i.e., a collision) has occurred.