Getting Started
Using TFTP to Update the Card
To update the card using TFTP, use this command while in privileged mode. (Refer to Section 7.6 of the
Software Installation Guide for background information about loading software via TFTP.)
[SET SERVER] GET CARD LOAD FILE "path/mx1500.sys" INTERNET ADDRESS internet-address
The value "path/mx1500.sys" specifies the software load image name and its path on the load host; you
can use a maximum of 63 characters. The filename on the host must be mx1500.sys; if you enter a
different value, the MAXserver 1600 will generate an error message.
The Internet address identifies the load host where the newer software version resides. The loader file,
mcffs1.sys, is automatically copied to the card when you issue a GET CARD LOAD FILE command.
Monitoring the Update Process
The MAXserver 1600 makes multiple attempts to load the file. (This might take a few minutes if the files
are not present at the host, or if the host does not respond.) Use the MONITOR SERVER CARD STATUS
command to monitor the progress of the update. The update requires approximately as much time as a
software load operation.
You must re-initialize the MAXserver 1600 after updating the card,
if you want to use the newsoftware version immediately.
If the Load Host is a MAXserver Loader
To update the software image from a MAXserver loader, which can be a MAXserver 1600, a MAXserver
1800/1820, or a MAXman card, the address of the MAXserver 1600 must be entered in the client database
of the MAXserver loader. Or, the MAXserver loader must be configured to load MAXserver 1600 units
globally. (The MAXserver 1600 Hardware type is 74.) Refer to the Software Installation Guide for
MAXserver Manager Load Hosts for instructions.
If the MAXserver 1600 is too busy to update the Memory card, or if the card is currently being formatted
or updated when you issue the GET CARD LOAD FILE command, you see this message:
Xyplex -730 - Temporary resource conflict. Please try again.
Loading Other Units
A MAXserver 1600 with a Memory card can load its software image to MAXserver 1100/1120, 1500/1520, and
1800/1820 terminal servers, provided the units to be loaded are configured in its client database. Or, the
MAXserver 1600 can be configured to load the other units globally. (Refer to the Software Installation Guide for
MAXserver Manager Load Hosts for instructions.) The SHOW MANAGER STATUS display shows the status of
remote loads. The MAXserver 1600 cannot function as a dump server or parameter server for other units.