Configuration Menu
When the letters within the brackets represent all the protocols you want to use, press <RETURN>.
You cannot enable RARP only. If you try to select RARP only, BOOTP is
automatically enabled also. Similarly, you cannot disable BOOTP without
disabling RARP.
The MAXserver 1600 prompts:
Enable ALL methods for image loading (Y,N) [N]?
Valid answers to this prompt are:
Y -- Use any software loading method: CARD (Memory card), DTFTP (Directed Trivial File
Transfer Protocol), XMOP (Xyplex proprietary protocol), MOP (DEC Maintenance Operations
Protocol), BOOTP (Bootstrap Protocol), RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol)
N -- Use specific method(s)).
If you answer Y, proceed to Step 4.
If you select N, the MAXserver 1600 prompts:
Toggle (CARD,DTFTP,XMOP,MOP,BOOTP,RARP) image load methods [C,D,X,M,B,R]:
Valid answers to this prompt are C (Memory card), D (Directed Trivial File Transfer Protocol),
X (Xyplex Proprietary protocol), M (DEC MOP loader), B (BOOTP) or R (RARP). You can
select up to six methods.
Selecting C enables the MAXserver 1600 to load software from a Memory card. Selecting D enables
the MAXserver 1600 to load via directed TFTP. Selecting X enables the MAXserver to load from a
Xyplex MAXserver Manager. Selecting M enables the MAXserver 1600 to load software via the DEC
MOP loader protocol. Selecting B enables the MAXserver 1600 to load software from a BOOTP host.
Selecting R enables the MAXserver 1600 to load software via RARP.
4. The MAXserver 1600 prompts:
Enable ALL methods for dumping (Y,N) [Y]?
Valid answers to this prompt are:
Y -- Use any dumping method: XMOP (Xyplex proprietary protocol), MOP (DEC Maintenance
Operations Protocol), BOOTP (Bootstrap Protocol/Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)), RARP
(Reverse Address Resolution Protocol/TFTP)
N -- Use specific method(s).