XT2500 Product Manual
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if the speed oscillates between 80.0 and 80.1 kmh it is possible to cause the actions to be
executed as frequently as the speed oscillates. In order to avoid this, make use of the
debounce specifiers.
How Conditional Action Block Tests Work
Unlike Trigger Block Tests, Conditional Action Block Tests allow the action to be performed WHILE the test is true.
Continuing with the example above, let’s say we want to further limit our actions to only execute the moment
speed goes above 80 kmh AND the vehicle heading is within 10 degrees of North:
trigger when Gt(GPSSpeed, 800) [Debounce(0, 0)]
condact any InRange(GPSHeading, 3500, 3600) [Debounce(0, 0)]
InRange(GPSHeading, 0, 100) [Debounce(0, 0)]
5.1.2. Compiling scripts with ILC
1. Type the script (as noted above) with your text editor and save as a text file with .txt file extension.
Recommended: Put both ilc.exe and your script <name>.txt in the same folder.
3. Start your preferred command line terminal (cmd.exe or powershell).
4. Change directory to the folder where your script is located.
Example command prompt:
cd USERPROFILE\Documents\XT6300\Scripts for cmd.exe or cd
env:USERPROFILE\Documents\XT6300\Scripts for powershell
5. Run ilc.exe from the command line: ilc.exe <name>.txt (If "Interpreter script format OK" appears at the
end, your script was successfully compiled).
Example Command Prompt
0x40 SMALL_CONST_VALUE (value: 0)
0x56 SMALL_CONST_VALUE (value: 22)
0x40 SMALL_CONST_VALUE (value: 0)