For each rules, there will be to type of routing, match the call to a rule, and route calls not matching a rule.
To modify how your "Normal" calls will be handled with no rules defined or when an inbound call does not
match a rule, click on the "Normal Calls" Rule, then click on the link contained in the text under the “
rule section
“This Set of Rules does not contain any rules for specific callers so when it is active, "all calls will ring your
phone using the Standard Ringtone". To override this behavior for specific callers, click the "
Add New Rule
button below.”
From this page, you can select you can configure the following
Ring your phone with a standard or distinctive ringtone
Send the call to voicemail
Inform the caller that I am unavailable and reject the call
Prompt the caller to record their name then prompt you to accept or reject the call
Ring more than one phone simultaneously or in sequence
Prompt the caller to record their name then ring more than one phone and prompt you to accept or reject
the call.