Incoming Call Manager (ICM)
Incoming Call Manager provides end-users with a powerful rules based routing services allowing them to
configure when, where and which calls are delivered to them. Subscriber’s use the advanced rules based
routing to configure an advanced Sets of Rules for their incoming calls. For example, a subscriber might
want to forward calls from family and friends to a home phone, while forwarding calls from the office directly
to voicemail, or to screen calls from a particular number.
The ICM summary page provides you with a single view of how your calls are currently routing and is the
CommPortal interface for changing your ICM forwarding setting. From this page you can quickly change
your forwarding settings by selecting a radio button under the "When I Receive a Call" section.
Rules Based Routing
Rules based routing allow the user to configure how all calls are routed based on a set of pre-configured rules.
Rules based routing is configured by selecting the rules tab from the Incoming Call Manager page. If setting
up rules for the first time, a short description of rules based routing is displayed along with a link to "Get
Started with some Typical Sets of Rules". By selecting this link, three rules will be created, "Normal",
"Reject Calls and "Screen Calls".