Infrared Camera Behavior
18.1 Infrared Camera Warm-Up
Modern infrared cameras based on a microbolometer array need to internally warm up to their working tem-
perature before the measured values stabilize. The sensor begins to automa cally warm up a er the user turns
the camera on. The infrared camera is usually up to ideal internal temperature in about 15 minutes.
During the warm-up process the accuracy of the measured temperature data is lower and various defects can
appear in the CWSI image. Therefore, we recommend to let the infrared camera warm up before capturing
cri cal data.
18.2 Non-Uniformity Correc on (NUC)
Infrared cameras need to be periodically calibrated in order to get reasonable measurement accuracy. This pro-
cess is called Non-uniformity correc on (NUC) or shu er calibra on. WIRIS Agro is equipped with an internal,
automated shu er which can be triggered manually but also engages automa cally in a set interval.
Time un l the next automa c calibra on is shown in STATUS BAR. The downside of NUC is that
the stream of CWSI camera image gets brie y interrupted while the NUC is performed, so while more
frequent NUC means higher quality data, user has to be aware of the frames that will be lost with each
Whenever the device detects too rapid shi s in internal temperature, the NUC mer indicator
(present in Inspec on layout Status Bar and op onally in Inspec on Panel in other layouts) will turn red.
This means the accuracy of CWSI data may be lower but no func onality is impaired.
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Czech Republic
Revision 1.0.0 EN, 25
Oct, 2019
All pictures are only for illustra on.
Real values may vary.