Windows or GNU/Linux.
To connect to the internal memory, use a standard USB Micro B connector cable and plug it into the connector
in the side of WIRIS Agro.
If communica on is successfully established, most modern opera ng systems will automa cally report presence
of a mass storage device and allow access to the data.
Figure 7.5 – Connec ng WIRIS Agro using USB On-The-Go
: Do NOT connect WIRIS Agro to any other powered device (such as PC) through the full size USB
port on the rear of WIRIS Agro - only the side Micro USB port can be used for mass storage access. As the
rear USB port is powered, connec on to another powered USB port can lead to permanent damage to
either device.
7.6 SD Card
The Workswell WIRIS Agro can be op onally
ed with a MicroSD memory card as a storage medium. Most
generic MicroSD cards should be compa ble. Video recordings cannot be saved directly to the MicroSD card and
have to be recorded only to internal storage (but can be moved over to the MicroSD o -line within the device
To install the MicroSD card simply insert it into the MicroSD slot on le side of the device. Be mindful of the
SDCard orienta on; contacts should be facing upwards.
Figure 7.6 – MicroSD memory card inser on.
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Revision 1.0.0 EN, 25
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Real values may vary.