Zoom CWSI - Zoom CWSI spectrum camera.
Pale e - Cycle through the available color pale es.
Range mode - Toggle the range mode.
Correc on (NUC) - Manually trigger the shu er correc on (NUC) once.
12.7.5 Memory
MEMORY submenu allows user to format storage devices and to move stored les between them or erase them
altogether. It also allows the user to trigger a search for an update le and to copy system logs to external storage
Figure 12.12 – Memory menu.
MEMORY menu consists of the following items:
SET SSD - Access further op ons for work with the internal SSD storage.
SET SD CARD - Access further op ons for work with the SD Card storage.
SET FLASH DRIVE - Access further op ons for work with Flash Drive storage.
UPDATE - Ini ate a search for an update le on all of the device storage devices.
COPY LOGS - Copies internal system logs to all the storage devices, making the les accessible to the user.
: The SET SD CARD and SET FLASH DRIVE op ons are only accessible if the respec ve storage device
is present and recognized by the system.
More about transferring data in chapter 14.
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