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Workout Tags
There are different ways of phasing the workouts. The most common and basic workout uses
speed and incline phases and is surrounded by <Workout> tags. Each phase can have a
different <Mode>. The <Mode> can include Distance or Time.
Distance Mode
The following is a sample Distance phase from the Marine Workout. This phase uses 4.82803Km
as the target distance for the workout. In a distance mode phase, a distance can be set to reach
during the initial phase. The phase will loop if instructed, otherwise it will end once the user
reaches the target distance set for the phase.
It is important to remember that all hardcoded speeds are in Kilometers per Hour (kph). Use the
internet or built in Windows Calculator functions to convert from mph to kph.
<Name>3mi Run</Name>
Time Mode
The next phase example uses a time for the phase. This phase uses 30 seconds for the duration.
The example code below also shows how to use the User’s defined settings. The program will
adjust the speed to 95% of the specified MaxRun speed. This allows the phase to adjust to the
person using it.
<Name>30 Second Sprint</Name>
<Target>{Profile.RunMax} * 0.95</Target>