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Experimental Settings
Altering these controls can cause the device to become unusable - only
change them if necessary under the instruction of a service technician.
Mirror TV:
Press the toggle switch to mirror
Keep Ethernet Up:
Press the toggle switch to
enable wired internet while Wi-Fi is enabled.
Background Color:
Enter # followed by the
RGB color code of desired background color
here. Default: #000
Accent Background Color:
Enter # followed
by the RGB color code of the desired accent
background color here. Default: #1E1E1E
Neutral Text Color:
Enter # followed by the
RGB color code of the desired neutral text
color. Default: #FFF
Neutral Inverse Color:
Enter # followed by
the RGB color code of the desired neutral
inverse color. Default: #000
Neutral Dim Color:
Enter # followed by the
RGB color code of the desired neutral dim
color. Default: #58595B
alter these settings as
they will cause serious issues with the
operation of the ProSmart.