Personnel Selection and Qualification - Basic Duties
The machine design and operation is intended for right-handers.
Work on and with the machine may only be carried out by reliable personnel.
Observe the legal minimum age!
Only use trained or instructed personnel. Clearly define the responsibilities of the personnel for operating,
setting up, maintaining and repairing!
Ensure that only authorised personnel work on the machine!
If personnel to be trained or apprenticed have to work on the machine, this may only be done under the
constant supervision of an experienced resp. qualified person.
Work on the electrical equipment of the machine may only be carried out by a qualified electrician or by
untrained persons under the direction and supervision of a qualified electrician in accordance with the
electrotechnical regulations.
Safety Instructions for Specific Phases of Operation
Defects and damage to the machine are to be reported immediately after detection.
Any mode of operation that compromises safety is prohibited!
Sufficient lighting around the machine must be ensured (at least 500 Lux)!
Before Working
Wear personal protective equipment (safety goggles, safety shoes, hearing protection, dust mask), close-
fitting clothing and, if necessary, a hair net! Take off wrist watches, necklaces and other jewellery.
Always work with all available guards and protective devices! These must be in the correct places and in
perfect working order. Defective protective devices must be replaced immediately.
Do not start work until the motor / tool has reached full speed.
Only use tools in perfect, sharpened condition and with clean clamping surfaces.
Observe the correct direction of rotation of the tool and avoid dangerous climb milling.
Always work with all protective devices! These must be in the correct places and in perfect working order.
Defective protective devices must be replaced immediately.
Do not start work until the motor / tool has reached full speed.
Only use tools in perfect, sharpened condition and with clean clamping surfaces.
Observe the correct direction of rotation of the tool and avoid dangerous climb milling.
Only use tools that are suitable for the operation.
Do not exceed the permissible tool speed.
Adjust the tool only when the tool is at a standstill and with a dial gauge.
Remove any objects lying on the table (tools, spacers, etc.) before milling.
Clean the machine table from dirt and chips and provide a container for waste pieces.
Always check workpieces to be machined for foreign bodies, cracks and loose knots.
Only carry out adjustments to the machine and the fence when the machine is at a standstill.
Required aids such as tool cover, feed device, table extensions, clamping drawer, feed elements (e.g. push
stick, feather boards, etc.) and use them as required.
Use a power feeder whenever possible.
Adjust guards, pressure devices and tool covers as best as possible.
Use continuous fence for safe workpiece guidance. If necessary, compensate for chip removal by means of
a partial fence to ensure a continuous fence.
Keep the floor in the area of movement around the machine free of tripping hazards.
Ensure that the machine is connected to an extraction system.
If gloves are required for workpiece handling, they must be fingerless.