Translation of the original operation manual Airless
It left the factory in perfect condition and warrants a high
level of safety. However, the following dangers exist if
operated incorrectly or used inappropriately:
risk of physical injury or death to the operator
or third
risk of damage to the unit and other property belonging
to the owner
risk of poor coating results
All personnel involved in the starting, operation and main-
tenance of the unit must read the following notes carefully
and observe them. We recommend that the managers
responsible for the proper operation of the unit have this
confirmed in writing.
It is a matter of their safety!
Additionally, please pay attention to the following:
Please, read and observe the guidlines valid for your
In Germany the "Richtlinien für Flüssigkeitsstrahler" (Gui
delines for liquid sprayers)
Published by: Hauptverband der Gewerblichen Berufsge-
nossenschaften, are valid.
We recommend adding a copy of all guidelines and acci-
dent prevention regulations into the User's Handbook.
Manufacturer’s notes and operating guidelines for coating
material and pumping material should be observed at all
In principle, no method of working should be exercised
which impairs the safety of
products or the ope-
rating personnel.
2.4 Applications for the pump
Processable Materials
Oils and Fats
Spray fillers
Lacquers and varnisches
Two-component coatings
Zinc-based paints
Anti-corrosion coatings
Micaceous coatings
Water-soluble coatings
Water-based lacquers
Dangerous chemical reactions can occur if closed or
pressurized systems with aluminum or galvanized pump
components come into contact with solvents such as
1.1.1 - trichlorethylene or methylene chloride that contain
halogenated chlorofluorocarbons (CFC). If such solvents,
or paints or lacqures that contain them, are to be used, we
recommend contacting
Customer Service or the
factory directly for further information.
Please note that there are stainless-steel Airless pumps
that are designed for use with such materials.
Using this equipment in areas requiring explosion
II 2G cT4
This equipment fulfills the explosion-proof require
ments found in the guideline 94/9/EC for the type of
explosion, equipment catagory and temperature class
found on the nameplate.
This equipment is able to be installed in areas requiring
Zone I explosion protection. Due to the possibility that ex-
plosive gases and overspray may be created, this unit is to
be considered as Group II, Equipment Catagory 2G.
The flash point for the materials being sprayed, as well as
the solvent being used, must be
When operating this equipment, the User‘s Handbook
must be followed closely.
The required inspection and maintenance intervals
must be adhered to strictly.
All information found on the unit‘s signs or plates
must be adhered to and not exceeded. Do not allow
this unit to be overloaded.
It is the responsibility of the operator of this equipment to
determine the explosion risk (zone determination accor
ding to EC regulation 94/9/EC, Appendix II, Nr. 2.1-2.3)
in the area of usage, in accordance with local regulatory
authority guidelines.
Furthermore, it is the responsibility
of the operator on-sight to check and ensure that the
technical specifications and markings according to
ATEX are compliant with local requirements.
Please observe that some components have their own
nameplate with separate markings according to ATEX.
The marking with the lowest rating for explosion
protection becomes valid for the entire system.
If the
intended application could lead to injury of personnel if this
equipment malfunctions, on-sight precautions and preven-
tive measures must be implemented.
If this equipment appears to be malfunctioning, the
unit must be shut down immediately and
Customer Service contacted as soon as possible.
Safety 2