Maintenance and repair
INTORQ | BA 14.0196 | 04/2016
To ensure safe and trouble-free operations, the spring-applied brakes must be checked at regular intervals
and, if necessary, replaced. Servicing will be easier at the plant if the brakes are made accessible. This must
be considered when installing the drives in the plant.
Primarily, the required maintenance intervals for industrial brakes result from their load during operation.
When calculating the maintenance interval, all causes for wear must be taken into account,
brakes with low loads (such as holding brakes with emergency stop function), we recommend a regular in-
spection at a fixed time interval. To reduce costs, the inspection can be carried out along with other regular
maintenance work in the plant.
Failures, production losses or damage to the system may occur when the brakes are not serviced. Therefore,
a maintenance strategy that is adapted to the particular operating conditions and brake loads must be de-
fined for every application. For the spring-applied brakes, the maintenance intervals and maintenance oper-
ations listed in the table below must be followed. The maintenance operations must be carried out as
described in the detailed descriptions.
Maintenance intervals
Time interval
for service brakes:
for holding brakes with emergency stop:
according to service life calculation
or else every six months
after 4000 operating hours at the latest
at least every two years
after 1 million cycles at the latest
Inspections with assembled brake:
Inspections after the brake has been
Check release function and
Check the play of the rotor
gear teeth (replace worn-out
Measure the air gap
Check for breaking out of the
torque support at the sleeve
bolts and the armature plate
Measure the rotor thickness
(replace rotor if required)
Check the springs for damage
Check for thermal damage
of the armature plates or
flange (dark-blue
Check the armature plate and
flange or bearing shield
- Levelness < 0.1 mm
- Max. run-in depth = rated
air gap for the size