2.3.2 Pellet boiler with fully automatic pellet feed
Version as sections 2.3.1, but in addition with fully automatic pellet feed
The pellet feed uses a maintenance-free suction turbine to automatically fill the pellet boiler integral fuel
hopper from a pellet storage room or storage container. The pellet feed is turned on by the lower fill level switch
(proximity switch) in the integral fuel hopper, or at the end of the enable time or the beginning of the start time,
and runs until the integral fuel hopper is full. Filling is not started if the boiler is in heating operation or the feed
signal has been blocked by the control unit (outside of the enable time, e.g., at night). If the boiler is operating
when filling is necessary, the boiler switches to burnout mode.
When there are several suction probes, switching to the suction probes is executed automatically. The system
changes to the next suction probe after the integral fuel hopper has been filled a certain number of times. Thus,
the storage room is emptied as evenly as possible.