ap pro ved by Win cor Nix dorf may not be con nec ted to the de vi ce. The user
is re spon si ble for any faults and in ter fe ren ce that are cau sed as a re sult.
Re pair work on the de vi ces should only be car ried out by aut ho ri zed and
spe ci al ly trai ned per son nel. Im pro per re pairs will lead to the loss of any
gua ran tee and lia bi li ty claims.
Ex ten si on bo ards with elec tro sta ti cal ly en dan ge red com po nents can be
iden ti fied with this la bel.
Sa fe ty In for ma ti on
This de vi ce con forms to the cor re spon ding sa fe ty re gu la tions for in for ma ti on
tech no lo gy de vi ces, in clu ding elec tro nic office ma chi nes for use in the office
en vi ron ment. Connect only WN approved power supplies.
If the de vi ce is mo ved from a cold en vi ron ment to a war mer room whe re it
is to be ope ra ted, con den sa ti on could oc cur. The de vi ce must be
com ple te ly dry be fo re being put into ope ra ti on. The re fo re an
ac cli ma ti za ti on time of at least two hours should be ac coun ted for.
Lay all ca bles and supp ly li nes so that no bo dy can tre ad on them or trip
over them.
Data ca bles should neit her be con nec ted nor re mo ved du ring elec tri cal
Pro tect the de vi ce from vi brat ions, dust, moi stu re and heat, and only
trans port the de vi ce in its ori gi nal pa cka ging (to pro tect it against im pact
and blows).
Take care to en su re that no fo reign ob jects (e.g. pa per clips) or
li quids can get into the in si de of the de vi ce, as this could cau se
elec tri cal shocks or short cir cuits.
In case of emer gen cies (e.g. da ma ged hou sing, li quid or fo reign ob jects
get ting into the de vi ce), the de vi ce should be swit ched off im me di ate ly.
Ge ne ral ly you should con nect IT-de vi ces only to po wer supp ly sys tems
with se pa ra te ly gui ded pro tec ti ve earth con duc tor (PE), known as TN-S
net works. Do not use PEN con duc tors! Plea se also ob ser ve the
re com men da tions of the norm DIN VDE 0100, part 540, Ap pen dix C2, as
well as EN50174-2, §5.4.3.
Содержание TH420
Страница 1: ...TH420 Thermal Printer User Guide ...
Страница 3: ...TH420 Thermal Printer User Guide Edition February 2005 ...
Страница 12: ...Notes in the manual are marked by this symbol This symbol is used for warnings WHAT IS IN THIS GUIDE 6 ...
Страница 34: ...CONNECT THE CABLES 28 ...
Страница 64: ...Herausgegeben von Published by Wincor Nixdorf International GmbH D 33094 Paderborn ...