Chapter 6
Operator Maintenance
This chapter provides the information necessary for operator mainte-
nance of the sweep generator. Operator maintenance is limited to trou-
bleshooting and repairs that can be made without removing the instru-
ment covers.
During normal operation, the 681XXA generates error messages to in-
dicate internal malfunctions, abnormal signal generator operations, or
invalid signal inputs or data entries. It also displays warning messages
to alert the operator to conditions that could result in inaccurate sweep
generator output. In addition, status messages are displayed to remind
the operator of current menu selections or settings.
Self-Test Er-
ror Messages
The 681XXA firmware includes internal diagnostics
that self-test the instrument. These self-test diagnos-
tics perform a brief go/no-go test of most of the in-
strument PCBs and other internal assemblies.
You can perform a sweep generator self-test at any
time during normal operation by pressing
and then the System Menu soft-key
If the sweep generator fails self-test, an error mes-
sage(s) is displayed on the front panel data display.
These error messages describe the malfunction and,
in most cases, provide an indication of what has
failed. Table 6-1, next page, is a summary listing of
the self-test error messages. Included for each is a
description of the probable cause(s), whether or not
the 681XXA is still operable, and if operable,what op-
erational degradation can be expected.
Self-test error messages normally indicate
the failure of an internal component or as-
sembly of the sweep generator. Do not at-
tempt to repair the 681XXA. Refer the in-
strument to a qualified service technician.