Installation and operating instructions • Wilo-Flumen OPTI-TR 50-3 ... 120-1, Wilo-Flumen EXCEL-TRE 50-3 ... 90-2 • Ed.01/2022-07
Personal protective equipment: wear a safety helmet
Personal protective equipment: wear foot protection
Personal protective equipment: wear hand protection
Personal protective equipment: wear safety harness
Personal protective equipment: wear mouth protec-
Personal protective equipment: wear safety goggles
Working alone is prohibited! A second person must be
Useful information
Personnel qualifications
Personnel have been instructed on locally applicable regula-
tions governing accident prevention.
Personnel have read and understood the installation and oper-
ating instructions.
Electrical work: qualified electrician
Person with appropriate technical training, knowledge and ex-
perience who can identify and prevent electrical hazards.
Installation/dismantling work: trained sewage technology pro-
Fixation to different construction parts, lifting equipment,
wastewater facility basics
Maintenance work: trained sewage technology professional
Application/disposal of operating fluids used, basic engineering
knowledge (installation/dismantling)
Lifting work: trained specialist for the operation of lifting
Lifting equipment, lifting gear, attachment points
Children and persons with limited abilities
Persons under the age of 16: Use of this product is prohibited.
Persons under the age of 18: Supervise them during use of the
product (supervisor)!
Persons with limited physical, sensory or mental capacities: Use
of this product is prohibited!