ELITE Peristaltic Pump
WHEATON | 800.225.1437 (U.S. & Canada Only) | 856.825.1100 |
| P/N 50099067 Rev. 5/15/12 WMAN_001
7.0 Initial Startup and Operation
Keep hands and fingers away from rotating parts of the machine. Make sure tubing
is secured and clamped properly before running pump. Pump should be turned off and
unplugged while loading tubing into pump head.
7.1 Pump Head Attachment and Tubing Installation
Pump Head Setup -
Raise the cover on the pump head so that
the arrow (upper left) points to the mark on the pump frame.
Identify the tubing bore diameter from the tubing manufacturer’s
packaging. Using the graduations on the side of the head, adjust
the tubing clamps on both sides via the thumbscrews at the
bottom of the pump head to the proper tubing bore size.
Pump Head Attachment -
Align the pump drive shaft tang with
the drive rotor slot on the back of the head. Align the slots on the
back of the head with the ears on the pump head mounting plate.
Place the pump head on the mounting plate and twist the pump
head clockwise until it clicks into place.
Tubing Installation –
Insert Tubing into the pump head between
the pump head cover and the rollers. Close the pump head cover
to secure the tubing. Make sure tubing is not twisted and has no
CAUTION! Improper adjustment of the tubing clamps
may result in improper performance of tubing, or premature
wear and failure of tubing. DOUBLE CHECK clamp settings
before proceeding.
Make note of which end of the tubing will be the inlet and which
end of the tubing will be the outlet (left or right).
To Remove Pump Head –
Press the release tab at the lower right
of the pump head. While holding the release tab, rotate the pump
head counterclockwise and pull off.
7.2 Tubing Characteristics
Silicone tubing exhibits a wide range of chemical resistivity and should be suitable for most general
dispensing applications. However, there are a few organic substances which cannot be dispensed
accurately due to their effects on silicone tubing. These substances include hydrocarbons, acids and
halogenated hydrocarbons. To determine if a particular tubing-chemical combination is compatible,