User Guide
6. Management
6.5 Rails Replacement Procedure
Move to the front of the rack, and do the same to the metal clip on that side. The rail is
now not secured to the rack by anything other then tension from the tensioning spring.
Grasp the rail with both hands from the front of the rack and apply forward pressure. This
will tension the rail and free it from the front of the rack.
The rail can now be removed fully.
Complete the same sequence to remove the other rail.
Step 2 :
Unpack the replacement rails and locate the tensioning springs in the box.
Step 3 :
Attach the tensioning springs to each rail.
Locate the tensioning springs in the kit's packaging. The 2U24 Flash Storage Platform rail
kits come with two tensioning springs in the box that need to be attached for the rails to
function properly.
Extend the rail fully.
Find the cutout in the on the inner side of the rail, the side that the shelf is on. The cutout
is rectangular and there are two mushroom shaped rivets spaced about 3 inches apart