UM380 03 010
InterChange iQ 2000 and iQ 2000plus
Diagnostic Action
The error is recorded in the unit’s event log automatically.
When the unit has restarted:
1 Attach a terminal to the management port,
2 Obtain a report of alarm class events from the event log and locate the alarm
record associated with the failure,
3 Note the contents of this record.
Any other error should be reported to your supplier.
7.4.8 Event Reporting
Each InterChange iQ 2000 and iQ 2000plus maintains an internal cyclic log of significant events
and is capable of reporting the contents of this log to a terminal attached to the management
port. During normal operation event reporting is disabled, but when investigating problem
conditions it is possible to enable the event reporting function to assist in fault diagnosis.
Reports may be filtered by class and severity to reduce the amount of information to be sifted.
If your supplier suggests that you do access the event log they should tell you what classes
of event to filter. For most purposes it is only necessary to display Alarm conditions, but more
detailed information is also maintained within the log in case of exceptional need. In practise
the most common faults are port errors, and these conditions are normally diagnosed from
the status LEDs or the port alarm log without needing to access the event log.
7.4.9 SNMP Traps
On an InterChange iQ 2000 or iQ 2000plus which has been configured to use Ethernet,
certain error conditions will cause an Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) trap to
be sent to a configured IP address. Up to eight such addresses may be configured. These
will contain basic information, but on receipt of the trap, the user is intended to connect to the
InterChange iQ 2000 unit using Vision iQ for a more detailed summary. The following events
will result in a trap being sent:
A port going out of service (port number sent as a parameter).
A port coming into service (port number sent as a parameter).
A layer 2 error (port number is sent as a parameter).
Recovery of Layer 2 (port number sent as a parameter).
A Layer 3 error (port number sent as a parameter).
Recovery of Layer 3 (port number sent as a parameter).
Impedance switch being changed (port number sent as a parameter).
Clock synchronisation switch being changed.
Flash failure.