UM380 03 010
Manual Configuration or Upgrade of Software Protocol Options
When you display the customer options settings, the current diversion restriction setting will
now be shown as either:
No restriction on rerouting to long numbers
if the option is disabled, or:
All requests from QSIG to divert to a number longer than nn digits will be
referred back to the QSIG PBX for local implementation
if it is enabled, where nn is the currently configured length restriction.
6.6 Configuring InterChange iQ 2000plus Proxy Services
For most applications the InterChange iQ 2000plus
QUICK configuration wizard
gives adequate
control over the services to be proxied on behalf of Q.931 equipment, but some more detailed
tuning is possible using manual configuration of these services on the DPNSS port.
6.6.1 Proxy Diversion Address Filtering
In particular, an address filter can be set to determine whether InterChange will attempt to
make a proxy diversion or will reject the call immediately.
The filter operates by comparing the leading digits of the diverted-to number with a pre-set
number. The InterChange iQ2000plus can be configured to attempt proxy diversion if the
diverted-to address digits:
a match the pre-set exactly, including having the same number of digits as the pre-
set (this allows you to permit only one proxy diversion address, e.g. to a voice mail
b match the preset digits up to the length of the pre-set, but the diverted-to address
may be longer than the pre-set (if your network numbering plan uses a node
numbering strategy, this allows you to confine proxy diversions to a single node or
group of nodes, e.g. to within the DPNSS network only);
c fail to match the pre-set digit string, up to the length of that string (this is the inverse
of the previous option; if your network numbering plan uses a node numbering
strategy, it allows you to perform proxy diversions except to a single node or group
of nodes, e.g. to exclude diversions to the Q.931 equipment);
d are any values (i.e., InterChange will attempt to proxy all diversion requests).
The address filter is set from the ADV level menu as follows:
1 Select
2 Select
3 Select
4 Select the option you want from the menu (shown overleaf):