Part number 550-143-010/1021
gas-fired water boiler – boiler manual
GV90+ Suggested Condensate Pump Capacity
The table below contains the suggested condensate pump capacities for GV90+
boilers. The values below are calculated with assuming all the water vapor
in the flue gases is condensed along a 1" per hour rain load and safety factor.
Boiler Model
Minimum recommended condensate
pump capacity, per boiler, GPH
GV90+ 3
GV90+ 4
GV90+ 5
GV90+ 6
The above values can vary depending on the location of the instal
lation and operating conditions.
Prepare the boiler
Figure 7
Install condensate trap
Install condensate trap
Before placing the boiler in position, install the condensate
trap, shown in Figure 7. Items shown are provided with the
1. Fill the trap with water.
2. Slide the condensate trap onto the recuperator drain.
3. Make sure the recuperator connections and the conden-
sate trap are installed securely.
Failure to comply with the above could
result in severe personal injury, death or
substantial property damage.
4. Slide hose clamp around recuperator base between vent
and recuperator body then through slot on top of the
condensate trap.
5. Tighten hose clamp.
6. Connect drain line to new condensate trap.