Part number 550-143-010/1021
gas-fired water boiler – boiler manual
Figure 28
Side-to-side mounting of multiple GV90+ boilers,
showing RECOMMENDED clearances
Figure 29
Back-to-back installation of multiple GV90+ boilers,
showing RECOMMENDED clearances
Multiple boiler installations
Placing multiple boilers
1. Locate multiple boilers in boiler room according to:
a. Figure 28 (side-to-side), or
b. Figure 29 (back-to-back).
2. Provide the clearances indicated in the illustrations
listed above to provide for access and servicing. If
these recommended dimensions are not possible,
provide at least the recommended service clear-
ances given on
. Also follow local codes.
3. Construct boiler foundation if boiler room floor
is uneven or if there is a danger of flooding. Size
foundation to allow for clearance and spacing di-
mensions shown in the illustrations at right.
4. Chalk line boiler locations on foundation or boiler
room floor.
5. Uncrate, assemble and mount boilers according to
instructions in this manual.
6. Provide clearance for installation of venting, air pip-
ing, gas piping, expansion tank, primary circulator
and other accessories.
Controlling multiple GV90+
+Multiple GV90+ boilers can be controlled using any
boiler control/sequencing system that provides an iso-
lated contact for call for heat (connected to the boiler's
T-T terminals).
Piping multiple GV90+ boilers
1. See suggested piping diagrams in this manual.
Contact Weil-McLain for assistance for systems
not covered.
2. Always pipe the boilers on a secondary loop in a pri-
mary/secondary circuit as shown in the examples
in this manual.